Benefit of Alkaline Water

1. Powerful antioxidant Alkaline Water is a great source of anti-oxidants. It help protect your body from many different diseases that can cause serious health issues. 2. Balance pH levels of the body Alkaline water helps neutralising the acid levels of the body. Although it works best as a preventive measure, people with illness or…...

KYK Generation II 5-plates (Platinized Titanium)

10 Reasons to Start Drinking Hydrogen Water

1. Hydrogen Corrects DNA Damage 2. Hydrogen fights Allergies 3. Obesity reduction 4. Improves cognitive function of the brain 5. Faster recovery from sports related injuries 6. Improves the skin as it battles aging 7. May help in preventing diabetes 8. Fights auto-immune diseases 9. Helps to reduce pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis 10. May…...

Oxidation Reduction Potential

WHAT IS ORP? ORP, or Redox Potential, is a measurement of water’s ability to oxidize contaminants. The higher the ORP, the greater the number of oxidizing agents. Checking ORP is a simple method to monitor the effectiveness of a sanitizer or the quantity of anti-oxidants in a liquid. In generalized terms for humans, a higher…...

Top 10 Benefits of Drinking Water: Don’t Medicate, Hydrate!

1. Increases Energy & Relieves Fatigue Since your brain is mostly water, drinking it helps you think, focus and concentrate better and be more alert. As an added bonus, your energy levels are also boosted! 2. Promotes Weight Loss Removes by-products of fat, reduces eating intake (by filling up your tummy if consumed prior to…...

What is Alkaline Water

Alkaline water, also commonly known as ionized water, is water that has a pH level greater than seven. This water is generally produced with the aid of a faucet-based water ionizer, or “alkalizer” and features a number of health benefits. PH LEVEL Although it can be slightly acidic depending on its source, water usually is…...

Why You Need a Water Filter in Your Home

Chlorine & Chloramine Many cities disinfect water with chlorine.This is basically bleach folks. While this process is vital to ensure clean drinking water free of microorganisms that can make many of us very sick, chlorine carries its own riskincluding potentially causing bladder and rectal cancer. Many municipalities are investigating other means for cleaning water and…...

Filtration Chart

Contaminants in drinking water vary in size considerably from grains of sand and grit that we can see to viruses and soluble salts that we cannot see. The contaminant or particle size determines the type of filtration required or able to remove it...